Over the course of his career, he has had the pleasure of working with such people as Paul Shaffer from the Late Show with David Letterman, the actor Stanley Tucci, and bands such as Blues Traveler, Little Feat, Keb' Mo', and even members of the Grateful Dead.
As a writer he has seen his work published in the Christian Sci-Fi Journal, Forsyth Family Magazine, Forsyth Women's Magazine, TakeLessons.com Blog, and has had several books published as well, most notably his "Mandolin: Dead Man's Tuning" series of books. Recently he and his writing partner Greg Kemp, published their first novel "T.o.B.," a political, sci-fi thriller.
In addition to music and writing, Willy has also seen his art used for great and varied uses. His designs have been used for political campaigns, science fiction and fantasy publications, and have even graced the exterior of buildings in towns across the Midwest. Several of his pieces have appeared on the covers of books and magazines.
Willy has released 6 albums, Near The Cross, Holy Water, Go Tell It On The Mountain (The Christmas Album), Mandolin Studies, and Tribulation Songs volumes 1 and 2, most of which are available at his blog: http://willyminnix.blogspot.com or at http://willyminnix.bandcamp.com, as well as several live cuts from "Live at the Porterhouse Grill," in Norwood, NJ. In addition to the recorded songs, he has also released several mandolin and harmonica instructional videos available at his blog. In the works are several piano instructional videos as well. He is available to perform for your next venue so call today to book him. willyminnix@gmail.com.